Soul Food

considered retail therapy...

The Soul Food shop provides you with services and downloadable products which support you and assist you in your soul journeying. Peruse the offerings to see what resonates with you. Payments can be made securely using Paypal.  Please contact us for more details or any enquiries about our products and services.


Tarot Readings:
the 90 minute reading includes an energy reading
Tarot readings can cover all areas of life and often offer solutions as to how to overcome various problems. 
A tarot reading may also give insight as to how others in your environment may feel or may be influencing your situation.
tarot readings may also use other means of divination, such as clairvoyance, runes, dowsing and mediumship
These readings are conducting using Skype or via Whatsapp Audio, in which you may ask as many questions as time permits.
At this stage, a video file of the reading is not available, however, you may request an audio file as the reading. You are also welcome to record the reading using your own apps or recording device.
To maximize the time you have, please have your questions prepared.

Energy Readings:

  1. -Energy Readings usually use your voice vibration or simply reading your energy field.

  2. -If required, the energy reading may read inflammation within the body as well. Often energy readings bring to the attention blockages existing in the physical body which may be healed by resolving a living situation or an emotional situation.

  3. -An Energy Reading may include Medical Intuitive Guidance. Please note, I am not a licensed Medical Doctor.

  4. -If you are using our services to get to the bottom of a physical ailment, please choose the energy readings, rather than the tarot reading options.


  1. -Consultations are usually held in advance of an Energy Healing, a Spell or Ritual Creation or for a Meditation that would be tailored specifically for you.

  2. -Many use this forum to gain a brief insight into their energy or what type of healing modality would suit their needs.

  3. -Consultations are also opportunities for follow ups of previous tarot readings, energy readings or energy balancing or simply to book a house clearing or distance healing or to set up a more detailed Ritual, e.g. working with Ancestors, or any deceased parties.

Email Follow up:

  1. -Generally, a quick email follow up is free and not charged, unless there is a great amount of detailed required, in which case, we ask kindly that you book an email follow-up.

  2. -We ask also that if we have exchanged 2 emails as follow-ups, then you book the 3rd follow up reading here

  3. -There is no limit to the follow ups you can have on email, but the emails are divided into how many concerns or questions you have -

  4. -I enjoy hearing how my clients are progressing. Please feel free to drop me an email simply letting me know how you are getting along.

Energy Balancing:

  1. -Energy Balancing requires identifying the blockages within the energy body, the physical body, the emotional layer, the mental or intellectual layer as well as the spiritual body. On identification, various process are used to clear the blockages, including awakening kundalini, chakra clearing and re-energizing, aura-washes. Each process is as unique as the individual receiving the treatment. The processes are ideally left to the connection and bond that has been established between spirit.

  2. -the energy balancing, healing, clarification is the core of our work here at Kismet Rising. Every single living and non-living being can benefit from an energy balancing and it is recommended to every individual who seeks their peace.

For those clients who are unable to travel to us or to which we are unable to travel, it is possible to effect healing through the air waves.

Book an Energy Balancing healing here and you will be emailed the exact time at which your distance healing will take place.  You may also indicate a particular area in your life that requires healing.

During this time, you may choose to lay down, be alone or to simply continue as you have planned.

Please note that the waiting period for Distance Healing is shorter as we work around the clock to deliver the healing to you and are not constrained by other appointments, time zones etc. Book a Distance Healing now and feel the difference.


For those who would like to learn more about what we do at Kismet Rising, you have an opportunity to train with us individually. The training will involve a range of questions and tasks for you to do, with a follow-up evaluation and further tasks, until you have reached a plateau, at which point a break is required before embarking upon the next course. The work largely entails working within, crossing the bridges within oneself towards one’s own soul path and we simply provide guidance and ensure that you do not stray. The courses may start at anytime and you may take as long as you need to finish. We offer:

  1. 1. The Basics as a Lightworker - 3 x 45 min sessions + 1h Q&A

  2. 2. Advanced Healer’s Guide - 3 x 60 min sessions + 2 x 45min Q&A

  3. 3. The High Priestess - 2 x 90 Minute Lectures + 8 x 40 min sessions

House Clearing:

Sometimes one’s home, office space or school may have dead energies there or even worse, draining energies or hostile energies. It is necessary to clear out energy regularly in order to maintain balance and good health as well as pleasant relations with occupants of the shared space. Regardless of what you use the space for, we are able to clear out the space of your behalf and create a substrate for greater love and prosperity or whatever your heart’s wish may be.

Send me an email with your requirements and the size of you home and or plot of land and your address and I shall send you a quotation.

Spells and Rituals:

Spells and Rituals as indicated on the Spells and Rituals page of this website are tools to help you facilitate a transition or simply ease through a process that you are currently facing. This may be a diverse as ordering a mojo bag to support you in standing up for yourself at work; feeling the unconditional love and bond with your partner or desired partner or a ritual that helps you make a transition from one way of life to another.

Whoever you are and whatever you are going through, you could benefit from the energetic support received through a spell or a ritual, whether it be as simple as an affirmation or as complex as a candle magick spell involving herbs and crystals.

For more complicated requests, please book a Consultation as above  to discuss your needs as well as the price of your spell or ritual.

For simpler, direct questions or requests, simply state your wish at the checkout and within 72 hours, a list of instructions will be emailed to you. If you are unsure, drop me an email and we will work it out.

*Please note, that at this point, I am not doing spell work for others. This is a spell or ritual that you will need to do yourself.

Ongoing Support:

Ongoing Support is offered to clients you have embarked upon a journey with us. It is a longer term commitment to support clients through what they are processing.  Often soul work is not something that can be started and finished in a  45 minute session and in fact most of the work is done after the session, as the session activates a portal of healing. The experiences that clients have in the following weeks are significant and it is necessary for them to have support on an ongoing basis so that they are able to efficiently transition into the next stage or the desired stage.

Kismet Rising offers 30 minute follow up sessions and 60 minute follow up sessions in which we provide counseling, offer support and suggest rituals, spells or anything else that the client may need.

Please enquire as to the discounted Ongoing Support offered.

Working with those who have passed on:

Often times our thoughts and energy is entangled with a deceased loved one or perhaps even a deceased co-worker who was disliked. Sometimes, the deceased with familial ties or ancestors may call upon you to undertake an endeavor that unsettles or leaves you confused and not at peace. At Kismet Rising, we work between the realms to assist you to gently break ties or communicate with the ancestors and other deceased loved ones, or less than loved deceased ones. Our work includes mediumship and working out the most efficient way of appeasing the ancestors, or simply communicating a bond. Sometimes, the deceased has moved on, however a part of you has also left, or lingers outside of yourself. Here, we work with the re-integration of the soul and the release of bonds that do not serve you advantageously.

As it is difficult to assess the type of work we will be doing with you - due to the varied nature of this type of work, clients are requested to send in an email request and a quotation will be provided thereof.

** All prices are subject to be altered given the work/ healing/energy required.